To Bend or To Break

We can be such prideful beings.  Even in the most trivial of arguments, we always want the last say.  When things do not go our way, we want others and even the universe itself to bend to our will.  We feel entitled for life events to go the way we planned and when they do not, it hardens us even further and makes us very pessimistic about the wonder of life.
The question is why do we even think this way?  In nature, plants that do not bend and grow toward the direction of the sun will wilt and die.  Its no wonder that so many plants find a way to work around their circumstances to find their source for life.  Trees will do the same exact thing.  It’s in them to not expect life to bend for them, but to bend for life; in order to stay alive.  Why is this inherit sense of humility not within most of us?
This is why humility is such a key teaching in the Word.  It allows us to see life for what it really is: a gift.  And with that gift, because of the world we live in, is mixed with both good and evil.  Our mission, like the plants and trees, is to endure all of life and bend with the circumstance we find ourselves in, in order to find the Source of Life itself.
Have you found the Source yet?

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