Our Future Family

Xion Post15

It’s amazing when we think about the families we come from, good and bad memories flood the mind.  But, do we ever think about the new family we will have when all things are restored?  Do we ever think about the exponential growth of THAT family?  Do we ever think about how good it will be and how quickly the bad experiences will cease to exist?

There is an invitation to all of us to join that future family.  The only question is, will you be prepared when the occasion arrives?

The Race We’ll Never Win

Running Away

When our problems pile on in our minds, some times we can get overwhelmed.  Some times we can get frustrated.  Some times… we can feel defeated.  So what do we do?  All too often, we find ourselves running from our problems in hopes that they will go away.  Or that we’ll put enough distance between us and the problem that they won’t affect us any more.

But we all know that never works, right?  I mean, our problems are anchored and tied to us individually.  Why do we think we can run away from our problems when logic tells us that that is impossible?  Our problems will always, and I mean always find us.  What if the real reason of why we run away from our problems is because we are afraid to face them?  What if that fear is so strong, that we do things that are illogical like running from or ignoring our problems?

Are you afraid?  Do you fear the repercussions for facing your problems today?  Do you fear the phrase, “It will get worse before it gets any better”?  Our message to you today is to not live in fear.  Fear paralyzes and distorts our judgement.  Learn to embrace the problems that you have and work ceaselessly to resolve them.  Nothings worse than constantly being on the go because of fear to return “home”.  Problems will always be waiting until they are taken cared of.

Find the courage to turn around and face them today.

Give Birth to Your Dreams

Where You'd Rather Be


Do not get trapped in the mindset of complacency.  Do you enjoy where you are in life?  Or do you long to be somewhere else?  Are you doing what you love to do?  Or are you letting the hours pass by every day?  Many people want to do big things in life, but far too many do not know exactly how, when, or what they ought to do.  So they never get around to it.  And their dreams die with them.

Do not be like them.  Give birth to the dreams that lay within you.  You have untold potential that is waiting to be unleashed.  Do not condemn it to the slow death of inaction.  Nurture it.  Harness it.  Cradle it.  Grow it!

Think on where you want to be and where you want to go with your life.  Set goals.  Chart the course in simple steps so that you can monitor your progress.  This is your time.  The only thing your dreams are waiting for is for to decide when you will begin.

Today is a perfect start 🙂

The Greatest Discovery

Change Attitude

We do not realize how powerful our attitudes are, do we?  We think it is a result of positive and negative circumstances that life throws at us.  But, have you ever thought about the possibility that it is our attitudes that determine what circumstances are positive or negative?  A famous Scripture reads, “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.”  Someone with this mindset and attitude will see every “negative” experience as something positive to grow from.

It’s amazing when we think about the future of the world.  When it is transformed and restored by our Creator, we will be offered a permanent citizenship within that new world.  But, the most important aspect of this offer is that your attitude, mind, and being needs to change.  I understand the famous mantra of, “You are perfect just the way that you are.”  But have we taken a really good look in the mirror lately?  Are we perfect just the way we are?  Or could we really use a transformation ourselves?  One where we become better people; honest, loving, kind, gentle, etc.  Would negativity, dishonesty, hatred, and evil be allowed to roam in that future world?  I think we know the answer to that question.  But I think what we really need to understand is that most of those qualities dwell within us right now!  To prepare for that coming world, we need to start now by changing our attitudes.  The greatest discovery for every human being is two fold: 1) The world will be restored by our Creator   2) In order to permanently be a part of that world, we must change our attitudes, mindsets, and lives.

So, let’s commit to washing away the negativity from our lives.  Let’s strive to become better than who we already are with the realization that we are not perfect… but we need to be.  Let’s grasp the greatest realization of all that our future is determined by our attitudes.  And lets live better lives right here, now, today.

Bicycle: Keep Moving Forward


As a child, I remember riding my bicycle with training wheels a little later than I ought to.  I would peddle speedily down the sidewalk paths with my helmet fastened and my elbow and knee pads tightened (yes, I looked like a bicycle knight with the amount of pads I would wear).  Exploring the unending worlds of my imagination, I journeyed through countless adventures upon my shiny red and blue bicycle.

But, I realized something as my friends, one by one, started to ride without their training wheels: they were much faster on their bicycles than I was.  And I realized that it was because the training wheels were no longer in their way.  They were able to pick up speed by swaying the bicycle left and right as they stood up on their peddles and used their weight to gain momentum.  With my training wheels on, I was not able to pick up speed the way they could.  If I wanted to embark on greater adventures, I needed to ditch the training wheels.

It’s funny how similar we are to my childhood memories.  Although not everyone is like me and took a while to leave their training wheels, most of us have a tendency to want to be safe rather than free.   Some how, we want our hopes and desires to be served to us instead of taking risks and obtaining them.  I had to face my fears of falling off of my bicycle in order to obtain the freedom to peddle as fast as I want.  And in that process, I fell.  I fell a lot.  But with time, I got better and mastered the art of balance.  I was changed by it and I will never be the same.  We need to have the same mindset in life.  If we continue to move forward in our lives, in our businesses, with our families, we too will learn the art of balance and ditch those training wheels behind… for good.

It will never happen if you’re stagnant and too afraid to move forward and change who you are.

The Road

Still Time

Time can make us wander can’t it?  We can have our journey planned out: equipped with maps and a compass.  But, when the winds of change make our journey more difficult than expected, we tend to loose ourselves and our sense of direction.  Everyone goes through this at some point in their lives.  It is an inevitable outcome of us trying to make our way through an unforgiving world.  Things don’t go our way and obstacles do not disappear simply because we wish them to.  We have a choice to overcome obstacles and continue on the road that we originally planned for.

Ironically, as we journey on, we are changed by our experiences and thus, so are our plans.  Our plans evolve because of our struggles.  It’s important to realize that many of us may not be on the road that we planned for, but you can always change that.  You can’t change what obstacles will come your way.  But you can always change how you will react to them.

This day, make an effort to pin point what exactly you are trying to do with your life.  What goals are you trying to reach and more importantly, what kind of person are you trying to become?  Because ultimately, “The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.” -John Ruskin

Travel on adventurer and always stay on the straight and narrow.

The Problem with Worrying

Life can give us a lot of reasons to worry.  Making a living, paying bills, economic problems, wars and rumors of wars, poverty, droughts, and mass pollution.  If you add personal problems that deal with family and friends, the list of things to worry about grows even longer.  So, what do we do about these issues?  Well, the first thing we usually do is worry about them.

Regardless if we can fix the issues we worry about, lets remember that constant worrying and stress effects the body in a very negative way.  We have to begin to ask ourselves if worrying about our problems is even beneficial at all.  When you think about it, worrying does more harm than good and keeps us from enjoying life today.

Does this mean we shouldn’t try to solve the problems we face on a daily basis?  Of course not!  Not worrying about a problem is not the same as giving up on the problem.  We should find ways to resolve our issues, but deep down we should have a peaceful mindset about them.  If we succeed in diminishing them, then victory and joy is ours.  If we can not fix them at all, then acceptance and peace is also ours.  In the end, its a win win situation.

Don’t let worrying steal your victory this Monday!

To Bend or To Break

We can be such prideful beings.  Even in the most trivial of arguments, we always want the last say.  When things do not go our way, we want others and even the universe itself to bend to our will.  We feel entitled for life events to go the way we planned and when they do not, it hardens us even further and makes us very pessimistic about the wonder of life.
The question is why do we even think this way?  In nature, plants that do not bend and grow toward the direction of the sun will wilt and die.  Its no wonder that so many plants find a way to work around their circumstances to find their source for life.  Trees will do the same exact thing.  It’s in them to not expect life to bend for them, but to bend for life; in order to stay alive.  Why is this inherit sense of humility not within most of us?
This is why humility is such a key teaching in the Word.  It allows us to see life for what it really is: a gift.  And with that gift, because of the world we live in, is mixed with both good and evil.  Our mission, like the plants and trees, is to endure all of life and bend with the circumstance we find ourselves in, in order to find the Source of Life itself.
Have you found the Source yet?

What We Have vs What We Want

We live in a society where getting ahead in life is priority.  Though there isn’t anything wrong with wanting more for oneself and/or for family, it is very common to loose appreciation for what we already have and what we have already obtained.  It reminds me of one of the 10 Laws given to us that commands us to not covet our neighbors things.  Whether those things are fame, money, houses, cars, accomplishment, etc, we shouldn’t get tied up in always wanting more because we may never be satisfied.

Like a black hole, we will suck up everything around us, including all light, and keep crushing that which we obtained until we collapse under our own weight of “always wanting but never being satisfied” mentality.  If you want to live miserably, this is the path you ought to take.

But if you want to live a peaceful and fulfilling life, there is another path.  Instead of being like a black hole, be like a star.  Instead of sucking in everything, give off light, heat, and brilliance to everything around you.  You will realize that all that you have should not be taken for granted.  You will see that if you never gain another thing in your life again, your life would still be blessed and at peace.

You are enough.

Monday: Your Life’s Revolution for Change

Instead of operating under the “doom and gloom” of Monday’s, take this opportunity to view today as the beginning of your new life.  We all have goals we want to meet either spiritually, physically, or mentally.  But some times because of the pulls of life, we are slow to meet them.

The work week becomes a 5 day period of waiting for the weekend, and the weekend becomes a period of having fun before the next work week starts all over again.  With these constant cycles, we fail to make the week what we want it to be.

This week, this Monday, begin charting the course to your goals.  Do not worry about the weekend, it will get here soon enough.  Instead, focus on what you want to achieve and how different you want your life to be and take action.  Monday can either be a day of gloom or a day of your life’s revolution for change.

The choice is yours.