Our Future Family

Xion Post15

It’s amazing when we think about the families we come from, good and bad memories flood the mind.  But, do we ever think about the new family we will have when all things are restored?  Do we ever think about the exponential growth of THAT family?  Do we ever think about how good it will be and how quickly the bad experiences will cease to exist?

There is an invitation to all of us to join that future family.  The only question is, will you be prepared when the occasion arrives?

Give Birth to Your Dreams

Where You'd Rather Be


Do not get trapped in the mindset of complacency.  Do you enjoy where you are in life?  Or do you long to be somewhere else?  Are you doing what you love to do?  Or are you letting the hours pass by every day?  Many people want to do big things in life, but far too many do not know exactly how, when, or what they ought to do.  So they never get around to it.  And their dreams die with them.

Do not be like them.  Give birth to the dreams that lay within you.  You have untold potential that is waiting to be unleashed.  Do not condemn it to the slow death of inaction.  Nurture it.  Harness it.  Cradle it.  Grow it!

Think on where you want to be and where you want to go with your life.  Set goals.  Chart the course in simple steps so that you can monitor your progress.  This is your time.  The only thing your dreams are waiting for is for to decide when you will begin.

Today is a perfect start 🙂

Patience Makes Perfect


Traffic jams.  Long lines.  Things not going your way.  We’ve all been there.  And once we find ourselves having “one of those days”, we can get very impatient and very moody.  Some times, things will not go your way.  It’s important to remember that the universe does not revolve around us.  We have to get in line with a specific Order that has been established.  We will not have our way all the time and some times it is more beneficial to learn patience than it is to obtain whatever it is that we seek.

Patience is one of those qualities that grows in secret.  It’s like a seed buried under soil.  It may not seem like anything is happening while we are waiting for something.  But, rest ashore something is happening.  A change is happening within us.  Like the seed that slowly and steadily grows, so does patience grow within us and takes root in our very beings.  But, we must help it grow.  Having a bad attitude or getting upset is the equivalent of blocking the sun rays or neglecting to water that seed.

The benefits of patience is overwhelming.  I assume you’ve heard the phrase, “Have low expectations”.  Well, that phrase is founded on the concept of patience.  Patience looks at the bigger picture and not at the short narrow-minded view of selfishness.  If things do not go our way, patience takes a step back and considers the positive reasons in why things didn’t go our way.  Patience is having peace of mind that all things will work out for the good of those that love the Creator.  Let’s remember, all things will pass away but His Kingdom will remain.  And this Kingdom will be rooted in love, joy, peace, and most importantly patience.  The Creator longs for us to learn these qualities because that is the Order that He has founded the Universe upon.  Evil only exists when that Order is perverted and distorted.  Impatience is unnatural and corrupt.  The growth of a seed and the forming of galaxies do not happen over night.  They take time.  Nature is very slow.  Who are we to go against it and force it to move at an unnatural pace?

Today, when things do not go your way, do not simply focus on what you’re not able to obtain right now.  Instead, focus on the slowly growing quality of patience that is beginning its work within you.

Take Risks


When was the last time you opened the door and embarked on a personal adventure?  When was the last time you accomplished the goals you set out for yourself?  Chances are you had to take risks to do so.  If your to-do-list is running a bit full these days, ask yourself this question, “Am I afraid to take risks?”

Risks have a way of testing our faith, patience, and confidence.  It has a way of disrupting our comfort zone and familiar surroundings.  Fear can paralyze us the closer we get to taking our lives in a new and profound direction.  But, if your goal in life is to be a better person, to grow your business, to become closer to your family, why should you let fear stand in your way?  Is it the fear of failure?  Well, most of us would agree that failure just makes you wiser.  You have to come to the acceptance that failure is okay, but fear is not.

So, start this day off right.  Make a list of the risks you want to take that will help you accomplish your goals.  Write down a plan of action to obtain them, and then pursue them with all effort.

Life is too short to live in fear.

The Greatest Discovery

Change Attitude

We do not realize how powerful our attitudes are, do we?  We think it is a result of positive and negative circumstances that life throws at us.  But, have you ever thought about the possibility that it is our attitudes that determine what circumstances are positive or negative?  A famous Scripture reads, “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.”  Someone with this mindset and attitude will see every “negative” experience as something positive to grow from.

It’s amazing when we think about the future of the world.  When it is transformed and restored by our Creator, we will be offered a permanent citizenship within that new world.  But, the most important aspect of this offer is that your attitude, mind, and being needs to change.  I understand the famous mantra of, “You are perfect just the way that you are.”  But have we taken a really good look in the mirror lately?  Are we perfect just the way we are?  Or could we really use a transformation ourselves?  One where we become better people; honest, loving, kind, gentle, etc.  Would negativity, dishonesty, hatred, and evil be allowed to roam in that future world?  I think we know the answer to that question.  But I think what we really need to understand is that most of those qualities dwell within us right now!  To prepare for that coming world, we need to start now by changing our attitudes.  The greatest discovery for every human being is two fold: 1) The world will be restored by our Creator   2) In order to permanently be a part of that world, we must change our attitudes, mindsets, and lives.

So, let’s commit to washing away the negativity from our lives.  Let’s strive to become better than who we already are with the realization that we are not perfect… but we need to be.  Let’s grasp the greatest realization of all that our future is determined by our attitudes.  And lets live better lives right here, now, today.

Your Beginning

Beginnings and Middle

We have a tendency to get discouraged often don’t we?  Especially when we look at the success of others.  Don’t be discouraged!  Every successful person began their journey where you are right now.  And as far as we know, there is nothing physiologically different about them.  They are human just like the rest of us.  What they can achieve, you can as well.  The only difference is time, commitment, and perseverance.  You must relentlessly pursue your goals in order to achieve them.  This is why you can’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.  They’ve already put the time in while you are just getting started.  Don’t be discouraged and do not loose hope!  The greatest things can have the smallest of beginnings.

We ask you today, how long are you willing to endure to achieve what you want?  If you’re answer is “How ever long it takes” than enjoy your journey to success.

Upgrade Yourself

MayanNow that 12/21/12 is officially over, we can reflect now on our future.  Every week during the Sabbath, here at Xion Entertainment, we pause and reflect on our lives, what we are doing, and how we can draw closer to our Creator.  We believe now is a good time for others to do the same.

The Mayan calendar simply restarted today, or if you will, upgraded.  It was never a sign of the end of the world.  It’s almost as if many people enjoyed believing in that interpretation in order to have an excuse to not become better people or to not work harder to achieve certain goals.  After all, why do any of that if the world is ending?  Now that there isn’t a crutch any more, we have to work on our “upgraded” selves.  What I mean is, become more than what you are right now.  Love more, learn more, give more, be joyful, be kind, and above all, obtain self-control.

Too many people live their lives recklessly and unfortunately the consequences of which will continue to haunt them throughout their lives.  No “end of the world” will spare them from the consequences of their bad decisions.  Do not be like them.  Be different.  Operate on another level.  And of course, seek Him who gives abundant life to those willing to receive it.

Newtown Victims Will Not Be Forgotten

Mario Buda lights candles during a vigil commemorating victims of a Connecticut elementary school shooting in Oakland


4 days ago, America was stunned to hear the news that 26 of their own were gunned down in an Elementary School.  Since then, vigils, mass prayers, and speeches were made to remember the victims and to seek solace as we continue to move on.  I believe like many, that this was a horrible act and few words can beguile the victims’ families from losses so overwhelming.  But, I cannot refrain from tendering to them and to those reading this article in the hope that we will see the victims alive again.

I believe that one day, the world will be transformed and a much better world will be established here on Earth.  I believe that the victims will receive life again and they will walk this Earth once again.  One day, we all will loose our lives, in varying ways, at different times, and in different places.  But we all will have life again in this future world.  And when we do, we will see the smiling faces of the Newton victims.  Together, we will discover what God originally intended life to be like here on Earth.  Free from corruption, free from senseless massacres.  A world where all of our hopes of world peace will flourish forever.

Let us hope and pray for that future world, that Kingdom, more now than ever before.  Lets continue to lift one another with love, kindness, and gentleness.  And let us never forget the victims and their families.

God has not forgotten their names and He will awaken them from their ‘sleep’ when His Kingdom finally arrives.


Connecticut Vigil2

Become Great

Become Great

Do not be afraid of your own greatness.  Rising to the top and fulfilling your potential is not prideful, it’s courageous.  However, thinking that your potential makes you better than anyone else is prideful.

When you reach the top, realize that you are like everyone else with one small difference: you were brave enough to chase after your dreams.